Sand Shadows Under a Full Moon
I was trying to suggest that last moment of light where details are a struggle to see…
Indigo ocean
an early moon hovers
between two worlds
-Antionette Libro
The contrast of looking ahead to sun dappled foliage, with the close up details in deep shadow.
indigo batik
deepening the color
until the thicket
of a primeval forest
invites us in.
-Antionette Libro
I try to avoid being influenced by other works or style, preferring to find my own path. But lately, a series of poems, have taken my batiks to places I never expected. And have helped me explore new ways to express myself.
Last year, my hometown Gallery Butterfield Garage began a collaboration with Ancient City Poets. Seventeen artist and poet pairs were matched, and challenged to go create something. No rules. Just work together and see what happens.
Enter Antionette Libro into my creative life. Antionette’s poetry, particularly a Japanese form called tanka; with its emphasis on nature, human nature, perishability, and the moment; touched me. Her response to my indigo batiks was similar. Many of our existing works naturally complemented each other. We met and discussed ways to create new work that was in direct response to the other.
Antionette nudged me to experience the ocean at moonrise by penning Indigo Ocean. We took a “Ginko nature walk” together in Moses Creek, to introduce her to my love of wild Florida. I illustrated and lettered a haiku of hers with batik.
Through out Covid lockdowns and distancing, we have maintained contact with each other, and continue to respond to that creative spark between us. Antionette will see a new batik and be inspired to write a poem. Which in turn awakens new perspectives for me.
I’ve been flirting with wanting to explore the less noticed, more hidden parts of nature. Her latest Tanga put to words a pathway in. The answer is in the shadows. My last few pieces had leaned into them, and this poetic response helped to clarify my intentions, opening up a flood of new thoughts and visuals.
I never would have imagined the depth of influence Antionette’s poetry would have on my batiks. We have put together a small book of her words and my images, available at Butterfield Garage Gallery. Email me if you are interested in purchasing one online.
We are just one of 17 poet and artist pairs that have collaborated over the past year. The results of the entire group’s collaboration evolved into PAMJam (Poetry Arts & Music), and will be on display at Butterfield Garage Gallery the entire month of November. PAMJam now has a website (and a life of its own!) complete with multi media videos of the various collaborations put to music, along with future events. To learn more click on the link below.