My final batik of the year ended up being a pair. I came upon this pond while riding a bike along a path in Barrington, RI. It stopped me in my tracks. The soft glow of a cloudy day lite up the water, and the contrasting deep shade under the trees along the bank was so quiet and peaceful, I had to hang out for a while.
Most of my subjects are like that. I’m on a little personal adventure when some detail will grab my attention, and I just have to stop and study it. I’ll squint to see how light interacts. I might just sit and feel the air moving. For that moment, I am relaxed into a kind of bliss I rarely feel outside of raw nature.
Brickyard Pond I & II
Batik on Cotton
20 X 25” framed (ea)
2018 was a year of exploration. Which has only wet my appetite for more.
For the fun of it I’m posting the progression of steps of dye and wax with these batiks. Because I start with the lightest colors first, building gradually darker dyes thru many steps ( these images depict only the more noticeable ones) It’s almost like these batiks emerged gradually onto the cotton from a fog.
Happy new year everyone! I’m excited to see where 2019 leads! I do have a few plans in place, one is to experiment with batik and indigo. I’m really looking forward to this side path. Indigo stands up to light, and I will be able to ditch the frames to explore other display methods. My mind is already spinning….
2019 Batik Workshops Scheduled
click for details
March 4-7 10-4:30
St. Augustine FL - Vilano Community Center
September 11-13 10- 4:00 pm
Highlands NC - Bascom Center for the Arts
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